South Africa PowerBall Results for Friday, June 12th, 2015

Draw date: Friday, June 12th, 2015
The Jackpot was: R18,174,406
2126283044 10

Used Machine: Inspire

Odd VS Even balls ratio: 1 ODD balls / 4 EVEN balls Occurs Not Very Often

Sum of Main Balls: 149 Occurs Most Often

Prize Breakdown

Match # of winners prize / winner prize fund
5 + 1 0 R18,174,406 R18,174,406
5 + 0 2 R300,235 R600,469
4 + 1 33 R12,777 R421,634
4 + 0 466 R344 R160,351
3 + 1 876 R375 R328,850
3 + 0 16,309 R19 R311,502
2 + 1 11,413 R18 R208,858
1 + 1 54,380 R11 R576,428
0 + 1 0 R R0
Totals 83,479 R20,782,498

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