South Africa PowerBall Results for Friday, April 22nd, 2022
Draw date: Friday, April 22nd, 2022
The Jackpot was: R64,397,887
The Jackpot was: R64,397,887
1320303842 09
Used Machine: RNG 2
Odd VS Even balls ratio: 1 ODD balls / 4 EVEN balls Occurs Not Very Often
Sum of Main Balls: 143 Occurs Most Often
Prize Breakdown
Match | # of winners | prize / winner | prize fund |
5 + 1 | 0 | R64,397,887 | R64,397,887 |
5 + 0 | 1 | R444,645 | R444,645 |
4 + 1 | 18 | R15,469 | R278,438 |
4 + 0 | 397 | R1,189 | R472,073 |
3 + 1 | 999 | R534 | R533,766 |
3 + 0 | 18,592 | R24 | R444,349 |
2 + 1 | 14,871 | R23 | R334,598 |
1 + 1 | 80,606 | R15 | R1,209,090 |
0 + 1 | 137,268 | R10 | R1,372,680 |
Totals | 252,752 | R69,487,525 |