South Africa PowerBall Results for Friday, May 20th, 2022

Draw date: Friday, May 20th, 2022
The Jackpot was: R126,589,752
0214192439 09

Used Machine: RNG 2

Odd VS Even balls ratio: 2 ODD balls / 3 EVEN balls Occurs Most Often

Sum of Main Balls: 98 Occurs Most Often

Prize Breakdown

Match # of winners prize / winner prize fund
5 + 1 1 R126,589,752 R126,589,752
5 + 0 1 R661,139 R661,139
4 + 1 35 R11,829 R414,008
4 + 0 659 R1,065 R701,901
3 + 1 1,689 R470 R793,661
3 + 0 31,128 R21 R659,914
2 + 1 24,107 R21 R496,604
1 + 1 124,984 R15 R1,874,760
0 + 1 199,055 R10 R1,990,550
Totals 381,659 R134,182,289

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