South Africa PowerBall Results for Tuesday, July 5th, 2022

Draw date: Tuesday, July 5th, 2022
The Jackpot was: R71,441,574
1314161831 19

Used Machine: RNG 2

Odd VS Even balls ratio: 2 ODD balls / 3 EVEN balls Occurs Most Often

Sum of Main Balls: 92 Occurs Not Very Often

Prize Breakdown

Match # of winners prize / winner prize fund
5 + 1 0 R71,441,574 R71,441,574
5 + 0 0 R0 R0
4 + 1 19 R39,623 R752,837
4 + 0 531 R926 R491,494
3 + 1 1,139 R488 R555,718
3 + 0 22,507 R21 R463,644
2 + 1 15,729 R22 R347,611
1 + 1 82,435 R15 R1,236,525
0 + 1 133,299 R10 R1,332,990
Totals 255,659 R76,622,392

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