South Africa PowerBall Results for Friday, August 12th, 2022

Draw date: Friday, August 12th, 2022
The Jackpot was: R35,728,951
2430383944 16

Used Machine: RNG 2

Odd VS Even balls ratio: 1 ODD balls / 4 EVEN balls Occurs Not Very Often

Sum of Main Balls: 175 Occurs Not Very Often

Prize Breakdown

Match # of winners prize / winner prize fund
5 + 1 0 R35,728,951 R35,728,951
5 + 0 0 R0 R0
4 + 1 19 R33,038 R627,713
4 + 0 323 R1,269 R409,790
3 + 1 883 R525 R463,310
3 + 0 16,510 R23 R386,334
2 + 1 12,164 R24 R289,503
1 + 1 66,177 R15 R992,655
0 + 1 111,105 R10 R1,111,050
Totals 207,181 R40,009,306

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