South Africa PowerBall Results for Friday, May 24th, 2024
Draw date: Friday, May 24th, 2024
The Jackpot was: R56,124,587
The Jackpot was: R56,124,587
0414161825 11
Used Machine: RNG 2
Odd VS Even balls ratio: 1 ODD balls / 4 EVEN balls Occurs Not Very Often
Sum of Main Balls: 77 Occurs Not Very Often
Prize Breakdown
Match | # of winners | prize / winner | prize fund |
5 + 1 | 0 | R56,124,587 | R56,124,587 |
5 + 0 | 3 | R155,175 | R465,526 |
4 + 1 | 38 | R7,671 | R291,513 |
4 + 0 | 633 | R781 | R494,246 |
3 + 1 | 1,347 | R415 | R558,870 |
3 + 0 | 24,829 | R19 | R466,785 |
2 + 1 | 17,709 | R20 | R350,638 |
1 + 1 | 90,459 | R15 | R1,356,885 |
0 + 1 | 143,706 | R10 | R1,437,060 |
Totals | 278,724 | R61,546,111 |